Parenting Workshop
Rebuilding the house from within.
Rejection and it's ROOT
Is it the RUACH of rejection or the RUACH of acceptance. Saying yes to one child and no to another child is a form of rejection by the parent.
Which causes a desire to be accepted by that rejected child.
Here's the outcome:
That child grows up to see the DIFFERENCES IN TREATMENT. They begin to notice how Mom or Dad FAVORED the sibling over them. Mom and Dad told them yes over and over and consistently told the other no over and over. The favored child received SUPPORT in many tasks while the unfavored was left to struggle alone.
If not controlled this can cause bitterness, strife and even jealousy among the siblings which grows into SIBLING RIVALRY or competition among those siblings.
Siblings can take ACTION by working Together as a Team. By INCLUDING the one rejected so they don't feel the hurt. By truly showing the ahab the parent refused to show, siblings can walk UNITED in RIGHTEOUSNESS, not allowing the parents DIVISION TO DIVIDE them or cause a break in their relationship.
That rejected child MUST seek comfort from Abbah Yah in ALL MATTERS OF THE HEART. And remember the very WORD MADE FLESH was oftentimes rejected by the same Kin folk because THEY DIDN’T UNDERSTAND.
Parents please make sure you remove the rejection RUACH and children remove the need to be accepted.
What is a Mother's Ahab?
What is a Father's Ahab?